Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Dolly's third entry; or, you can enter my chamber of secrets

SO, my third entry now. I mentioned Erin in my first entry, saying that she was visiting the Burrow. Well, I'm currently in her new apartment, named the Nest. It's an adorable little place. Pics are above. They're pretty self explanatory.

We just finished watching Chamber of Secrets while we did a rolling commentary throughout. We only sound recorded part of it, but if she gets it online, I'll link to it here. Looooads of fun. Being that I'm a Hufflepuff and she's a Slytherin and says that it's a requirement for her to make fun of everyone, we had a great time with it; her encouraging people and things to kill Harry, and me smacking her. She's pretty much in love with Lucius Malfoy, so she often tries to make anything he says sexual. . . usually succeeding, as well as succeeding in making a poor Hufflepuff blush. I keep saying we should have a Youtube channel as a Badger and a Snake; we have so many similar loves, but she always roots for the bad guy; she has an "evil playlist". So great. I really hope any readers that I may have get a chance to listen to it, my face actually started to hurt from laughing so much. . . and it's worth it just to hear Erin cackle. Because she literally does cackle and not laugh.

Anyways, I'll try to stop fangirling about this now. I should talk about other things, right? This isn't my fanblog.

I actually woke at a decent hour today, decent meaning 11:30. So proud of myself. My day was pretty slow, though, until I got to come to the Nest. I'm not sure how long I'll be staying here, it depends on the availability of a ride back to the Burrow, since I'm still carless.

One thing I've gotten from today; "chamber of secrets" will forever be an innuendo.

1 comment:

  1. :] I think my successive Yemen and Chamber of Secrets comments are all that need be said.
