Sunday, May 16, 2010

Dolly's Second Post; or, of napping and Wizard rock

Mood: sleeeepy
Listening to: the tv
(re)Reading: Tamora Pierce's Wild Magic series
Watching: a show about hoarding
Playing: WoW -_-
Eating: nothing
Drinking: water

It's nearly two in the afternoon and I've gone to the dump and had breakf- I mean, brunch, at the local diner. I'm so proud of myself. Yesterday I slept until 3 in the afternoon, so waking up at 9:30 was a definite accomplishment. Step two: resist the steadily growing urge to fall into bed and take a two hour nap.

Sometimes, good things come of cleaning. Besides having a freshly clean, ant free house, I mean. When I clean, I always find things that I thought I'd lost. For graduation in 2007, my parents got me a hot pink digital camera, the charger cord for which I promptly lost. My mom, grumbling, got me another charger, and I lost that one. I haven't been able to use the camera in over a year. However, she's been going through stuff in her house, since she's considering moving again, and she fouuuund it. All I'm waiting for now is a way to retrieve said charger, seeing as I'm about an hour away and carless. . . but when I get it, I'm going to be able to take pictures of things without holding my laptop up to it and using the webcam. -_-'

The plan for the rest of the day is a lot of trying to stay awake to be able to sleep at a decent hour [read: 1:30] tonight, and my dad's planning to do burgers on the grill tonight. I might take a secret nap.

This blog was only going to be one post a day (hence Daily Dolly), but what with my being so sleepy and my not wanting to get started playing my WoW free trial again (yes, I gave in. Five years of resistance and I gave in.), I figured writing, even if it's meaningless, is a good way to stay awake.

I'm trying to practice writing non-fiction. I found a magazine that focuses on fantasy and magical realism, and they're looking for contributors for poetry, short fiction. . . I'm also trying to get them to let me write a Wrock column. (That's wizard rock, for those readers not as much a fan of Rowling. A whole genre that sprung from devoted fans. Incredible.) The editor wanted a sample of my nonfiction writing, and I really don't have any. . . so I'm practicing. Well, I suppose I could use a paper as an example. . . but that's such a long sample.

If you guys want some Wizard rock, try this.

They're my favorite Wrock band. Also, look up Luke Conard's other stuff (he's one of the singers of MoM). He has this band with one of the members of the Parselmouths (another Wrock band), and they do nerd music. Great stuff. If anyone's reading this, and you watch the video, tell me what you think in the comments.

1 comment:

  1. I see what you mean by finding stuff when you clean your room. I do that all the time. Unfortunately, I usually misplace things too....D:
