Last night was hilarious though. I don't remember a lot of it. We weren't even drunk or high. . .just tired. Everything is hilarious when you're really tired. We turned off the lights and lit candles on the floor and rolled around laughing and arguing with one another, as a Slytherin and a Hufflepuff are prone to do. Now I'm hungry and my head is pounding and my hip hurts from being curled up all night because my little blanket kept coming off my feet. /end complaining. I think I'll go raid the fridge for last night's dumplings. . . mmm.
I'm not sure what the plan is for today; I think we're gonna walk up and down C street and thrift shop, which sounds incredible. I'll take pictures, if there's anything worth taking pictures of. C town's really pretty, though, so I'll probably find something. It's this little shopping district in my city that has thrift stores, a movie theater from the 30's, all sorts of restaurants and apparently adorable nest apartments. There's also a fabric store next door, which I have yet to visit.
After a shower and a scavenge on both our parts for clothes to wear, I think we're off. I'll update my two readers [one of which is Erin] later.
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