Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Alas, all good things must come to an end. . .but not really.

So, readers (all two of you). I've decided to move to Wordpress; the layout and interface is cleaner there, and I think I'll like it. Erin convinced me to switch.
So, here's the address of the new blog, if you want to follow that one.


Please follow it~! <3


I posted the above a while ago, but I can't get Adsense to work on Wordpress, so I think I've decided to keep this one, too. So I'll have two blogs, with the same thing in them. Weird, I know, but that way I can have Blogger followers and Wordpress followers, and I can maybe generate some cash through Adsense, if I get enough clicks. So if you have friends on Blogger, tell them to follow me, and the same goes for your Wordpress friends.

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